Thursday, April 14, 2005

Reading the New York Times Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

The NY Times warned people today against drinking too much water, with an editorial focused on the dangers that too much water has posed to some marathon runs who have dilluted their own sodium levels to hazardous levels.

Here's the Times' advice "the solution is for overly eager endurance runners and hikers to forget the old mantra that they should drink-drink-drink. Too much liquid can be lethal."

Sure, maybe that's true for marathon runners, who put unbelievable stress on their bodies and should probably do some real research on their bodies before races. But isn't it far more likely that the average NY Times reader who just does some relatively light exercise a few days a week will see this and cut down on their fluid consumption and risk dehydration or kidney stones?


Blogger Boski93 said...

This was a planted story by the Kidney Stone lobbist.

8:13 AM  

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