Sunday, October 15, 2006

I hope the Bruins don't make a comeback...

I was totally planning to renew my interest in the Bruins after coming back to Boston (following two or three teams from afar was hard enough, and they didn't make the cut). I've been reading about them in the Globe and Herald, watching some of the classic clips on NESN, and sat down to watch their game vs. the Islanders last night, only to be totally creeped out by the fact that their coach has a total Hitler 'stache. Seriously. If I knew how to use the Internet, or could even just follow the basic HTML skills that tried to teach me, I'd post a pic here.

It is just too creepy...I thought last night that I'd be able to get over it and keep watching them, but I'd still weirded out over the thing. This is supposed to be their big comeback year, and I know that Dave Lewis is supposed to be a good coach and all, but I can't bear to look at him, and can't believe that anyone else can without envisioning Hitler. It seems freaky enough that I have to wonder if other people can stand it, are they using the Bruins to secretly fulfill their own Nazi desires, like people who watch porn with actress who are supposed to look like they are 14 but are actually 18+?


Blogger Boski93 said...

Bubba, can we have Glen Murray back? That deal for Allison didn't really work out so well for us.

I know it is tough rooting for a hockey team that never seems to get it right. Be of good cheer and realize it could be worse. You could be like me and be a Kings fan. You are so right about Lewis. He has to lose the Hitler / Pron 'stache.

10:06 AM  

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