Sunday, March 13, 2005

Am I alone...

In finding it really funny that the White House's response to allegations that it's having suspected terrorists kidnapped and taken to countries where they can be legally tortured is that people aren't gettiing tortured and it's just cheaper to keep them oversees?

What's worse is that there is no public uproar about this flimsy response. Whether or not you mind these people being tortured -- and it's not hard to see the potential benefit -- does anyone really buy the line that it's cheaper to fly them oversees and keep them there before flying them back for their trials?

Sadly, yes.

By the way, if anyone in the administration is reading this, my name is Dan Tobin and I live in Los Angeles.


Blogger Boski93 said...

You are not, good sir. This is nothing but complete and utter crap.

If the Administration is reading this my name is Lyndon La Rouche and I am living in a magical tree in Virgina

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Administration has said and done a lot that should have caused a public uproar and didn't. And any time the media tries to actually do its job and examine things, they get called liberal and biased and lose their chair anchoring the CBS News.

Also, I don't belive you're actually Dan Tobin. He would never make light of anyone who gets served.

- J.J. Ramirez

5:05 PM  

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